The Party at the People’s House
Austin City Hall - In partnership with the City of Austin

Origin Studio House Announces
The Party at The People’s House
A collaborative effort with the City of Austin to raise awareness and shed light on the “We All Belong initiative powered by Austin Against Hate.”
All the same energy, just a different location…City Hall!
Origin curated the whole experience at Austin’s City Hall, including food, music, and culture - providing all the same energy, just a different location.
Thank you for pulling up with your whole family to City Hall and supporting our mission of ensuring that Austin remains a place where diversity is celebrated, and hate is not tolerated.

Press Release
Austin, TX, (July 21, 2023) – Origin Studio House announced its plans to partner with the City of Austin to present “The Party at the People House” on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at City Hall in Downtown Austin, TX.
In November of 2022, The City of Austin established a resolution (RESOLUTION NO. 20211104-064) to strengthen its efforts to protect residents and victims of hate and to prosecute and curb hate acts in partnership with nonprofit organizations, other governmental organizations, and area education partners.
Origin Studio House is proud to partner with the City of Austin on the “We All Belong, powered by Austin Against Hate” initiative and the upcoming “Party at the People’s House” event to educate, uplift, and amplify our shared commitment to the safety, security, and equal treatment of all residents.
“We are excited to partner with the City of Austin to celebrate The Party at the People’s House and the We All Belong initiative, because when we all feel seen, we feel safe enough to show up and contribute to the city we call home,” said Dante Clemons, event production partner, and CEO of Origin Studio House.
The Party At The People’s House - Saturday, August 12, 2023, Starting at 6:00 PM CST
Visit austintexas.gov/againsthate to learn more.